Friday 1 March 2013

Pussies, Pussies everywhere...

What did Alexander, Napoleon, and Genghis Khan, all have in common? One hell of a death wish. Either that or they were dropped on the head when they were babies. I've heard stuff like that can really screw someone up. Just ask me! My dad still curses the day someone left a banana peel lying around the house. His son has never been the same since (and I've got the bump to prove it.). But they were brave, or whatever that means. Frankly, facing an army of soldiers that would like nothing better than to send a barbed stake up your ass isn't really at the top of my wish list.

I've never been an adrenaline junkie. Never understood why one would rather run towards danger. Perhaps that makes me a lesser man but I kind of like having my bones facing the right way.

For so long, I've beaten myself up over the fact that I don't have the 'guts' to take life by the collar. It sucks knowing you're a pussy and you can't do much about it. Who wouldn't want to do a Bruce Willis every other day? (Yes! Die Hard 5 is awesome! Critics be damned.)  The idea of facing my fears seems so foreign in every way, that it rarely surprises me every time I flinch at something.For so long, I've pictured myself as the Cowardly Lion from the 'Wizard of Oz', always in search of that extra vial of courage. Maybe then I'd be able to beat up the bullies and jump over buildings. Perhaps then I'd have a huge penis and all the girls would lov...

Perhaps I got carried away a little. But isn't that how life goes. How society worships the brave. The ones that have no fear are revered, immortalised.

But do such people really exist? Is there really any such thing as 'no fear'?

Everyone is afraid. It's all part of being human. I used to think I was a pussy. I still do! But I'm not worried anymore. My time will come. Perhaps one day I'll find that vial of courage. Because really, isn't that vial just a drop of purpose? All the great heroes of the past have faced their fears because they had to. For love, for honour, for respect, perhaps even self preservation. In the end of it all, it matters only that you've got the drive. Courage isn't really measured in the steps taken forward but the will to take back what truly matters the most. We all have that in us and I pray one day we shall find that thing worth fighting for.

Perhaps then, we can all be brave. Until then, Running does have a really nice ring to it, doesn't it?