Wednesday 9 January 2013

An Epiphany

Don't you just love epiphanies. I do! They always hit me when I least expect it. Wether I'm jumping over a fence or just staring at Scarlet Johanssen'

Aaah. Good times.


Where was I? Aah yes, My epiphany. This struck me a few days back.


Of the most worn out of terms, none is more used than the word 'cool'. It is society's greatest irony that everyone, this writer included, attempts to bring a little cool factor to their image. And in attempting to do so, in trying to be the 'smooth cool dude around the block', we tend to overlook a little something. You see, chances are, you may succeed, you could very well be considered as such, but let's try to glimpse at what's actually happening here.

It goes without saying that the word 'cool' is just a slang for 'unfazed'. See where I'm going here? How can one consider himself as 'cool' when he's so fazed by what society thinks of him. To be truly 'cool' is to stick by one's true identity. Not follow some fucked up trend the world seems hell bent on drooling over.

Because let's face it, more often than not, glazed eyes and a hoodie are just going to make you look like a junkie. 

There's never going to be a perfect recipe. 

Except maybe for Tom Cruise.

('Kay I'll come clean! I've had this huge man crush on the guy ever since, well, ever. Yes, my unmentionables are intact! No, I'm NOT sprouting ovaries. Shut up, He's awesome. DO. NOT. CALL. HIM. OLD. )

(And the couch thing was kinda cute. Shut up, I'm not gay!)

The point is, just be yourself. You'll do fine. If they love you, awesome. If they find you annoying, then, well, it isn't worth thinking twice over. I've had loads of people look me in the eye thinking I belong in an institution. Perhaps I do. Perhaps I don't. You know what, I kinda look forward to those looks, just so I can quote one of my favourite literary figures.

"Don't worry, buddy. I'm an acquired taste. Most of my best friends had to know me for years before they could even stand my presence. I'm like mold, I usually grow on you very slowly." -Tabitha Deveraux

And on that awesome note- Sayonara (Did you know this was chinese? I always thought it was spanish.)


Writer's notes : Sayonara is actually japaneese. Apparently my readers are smart. Thanks for the correction guys. Let's not mention this ever again. No seriously. Never again. Or I will find you and I'll make you watch barbie re-runs all day. If that doesn't kill you, I don't know what will?