Tuesday 10 July 2012

Everything needs a beginning right....even Boogers

In my jobless forays into the vast reaches of the world wide web. I've come across a lot of bollocks (loads of crap!). I figured one more entry won't harm the world, unless ofcourse, I spark a widespread movement that shall change the way we look at the world forever (Yeah right! Safe to say, THATS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!). Then again, the only people who are ever going to read this are my closest friends, or perhaps my worst enemies, or maybe i'm just holding these buggers at gunpoint,
which ofcourse i would never do,OBVIOUSLY!! *kicks gun under the rug*

Sooo, What then is this blog gonna be about, you ask?...well....FYI....the title's not gonna be much help

Naaaa, it's just that, recently my brain has been on overdrive with it's far fetched theories (most of which are just baloney), It's been keeping me distracted and giving me migraines, so i figured a little output might not be so bad, thts wat my shrink tells me anyway  (NOT THAT THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME, NO WAY!!!......JUST ASK MY TEDDY)

Don't expect anything in the first post though, but trust me guys, there'll be some seriously wacky stuff coming soon, just stay tuned ;)


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