Saturday 14 July 2012

issues with the 'NOSE'...

As a general rule, the face is the first thing one sets their eyes to during a conversation(unless ofcourse, it's angelina jolie, in which case, our focus would be, ..... , umm, lets just NOT go there)


Case in point, the nose shares major focal time. WELL, Ofcourse it does, Not everyone is THIS guy.


Like i was saying, "Baldy Voldy's" nose issues aside (or lack of therof), the nose plays a major role in conversation. Since time immemorial, Mankind has grimaced at the sight of anything within the vicinity of the 'Nose'.it leads to unhealthy distractions and veerrryyy awkward conversations. Sadly enough, i experienced this FIRST HAND.

I was supposed to do a project with this girl i really liked, and as is the case with any guy who ends up spending time with a girl he really likes, Nothing ever ends up being done.

Sooo, what ensues is loads and loads of talking (JUST TALKING FOLKS, sadly)

It's only after a few minutes that i notice something i wish i had'nt. By now, u'd know what i mean by something. If not, then READ the blog title.

So,There i was, completely disracted with this expression on my face.


Normally, you would point such a thing out to someone, but there is a slight problem of me actually having a thing for this girl. Oblivious to all thats going on in my head, she's still talking. Try as i can, i cant get a word she's saying. All i'm thinking is,


I do ocassionally catch snippets of the convo but by now, i'm so far gone that she could have said, "Wanna get frisky?" and all i would have done was....


My mind starts imagining things (it's like a crazy itch), and by now i'm wondering if that 'thing' is actually ALIVE. It keeps saying....

"Na na na can'y get me....loser"
"i'm gonna stay here all day"
"maybe ill invite my friends over"
"how abt i just swivell around a bit"

With these words running around, my mind is a chaotic mess. On the outside, I might look like this,


But on the inside,


Until she says "Get what off?".
(Lets just say, I wasn't just saying it in my head.)


"You've got a little something...umm...ur nose...umm"
Swiping a hand, she looks at me warily, "Relax! it's just a crumb of thermcol"


"OH....umm..sooooo...umm....Where were we?"

"Well we were supposed to cut a slab of thermocol into circles for the project. I did just that....YOU on the other hand?"....she glances at my hands.
              Let's just say, The subconscious is a scary thing.

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