Friday 10 August 2012

Cacti, Lesbians and Derailment

In the murky waters of the human psyche, None is more wily than 'Thought'. This slippery dweller is hard to get hold of, much less control. It's subtle shifts in direction can put you off topic and off course, speeding head first into unforeseen predicaments.

Permit me to explain using an example.

Visualise this, One minute you're with friends, bumping and grinding your way into a sort of post-exam delirium, and the next, you wake up stuck face first to a cactus with your pants around your ankles. Devoid of any recent memory, You only have the wafting vapours of a night best left forgotten and a growing sensation to use the....

Sorry, I lost track.


But then again, That's just it! We lose track! More often than not, Subtle pushes are all it takes to derail, what many have come to call as, The Train Of Thought.

What makes this all the more astonishing is the ludicrousy of the far-fetched ends of the thought spectrum.

Come to think of it. Is Ludicrousy even a word? I mean, I've heard of Ludicrous, Everyone's heard of Ludicrous! But I've never actually found the word Ludicrousy in any dictionary. I've googled it and still no answers. Would that I had invented the word myself merely cause it sounded nice? Then again, What is language other than a medium for comfortable human communication? And what is comfort other than...

Sorry, I got ahead of myself there. Where was I? Aah yes, The Thought Spectrum.

What's funny about it is that you never really know where you're gonna end up. One minute you're in a heated convo surrounding the lifetime of a headless cockroach (9 days is what I've heard) and the next, You're in blatant awed appreciation at the size of Scarlett Johannsen's ..................... SMILE.


                                                                   Never a dull topic, ehh?

To illustrate this further, I've ventured 'long and hard' (Whoever made this idiom is a freak. Sheesh, could you be any less tactful) into the depths of Google land and have come up with an absolute cracker.

                                         Screw the ozone layer folks! Class just got interesting!

All jokes aside, The train of thought is a beautiful concept to ponder. Next time you're in conversation with your buddies. Stop for a minute and try recollecting the links to the chain. It's a fun exercise.

                                                                  Until next time, people!

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