Saturday 25 August 2012

Halos and Tridents...


T'was the call of a new time. The first step into the unseen. As the early specks of light dust broke through the tiny crevice between my shades, It snapped open a calm revrie and my eyes tore apart with toe-curling realisation,

I've gotta pee....REAL BAD!!


Sorry about that. Kinda tasteless but couldn't resist. The lil' devil in my mind kept saying, "GO FOR IT!".

You know, the same nasty bugger that makes you want to kick someone in the ass every time they happen to be bending over tying their shoelace or something.


The same one that makes you want to run over a mime just because the street needed another zebra crossing.


It's that nasty devil that almost always clobbers your pure conscience leaving you regretting a deed you really should've thought twice about. Especially when said "Kicked-butt" turns around with a six-foot confidence and a raging fist itching to have a go at remodelling your sorry face. Especially even, when you're left scraping all the gooey white makeup that stubbornly clings to your front bumper with the kind of annoying defiance you come to see with mimes.

There seems to be a raging war in our heads that governs the deeds of all and sundry. More often than not, these minor battles are but ripples to a still water that is life. But there come times in every person's life when decisions have the ability to upturn, to disturb a tranquillity and to bring ashore a hurdle unforeseen.

Now, I'm not going to be all angelic. There's not going to be any saint like bullshit from me. No "The truth shall set you free", No "Only the good shall succeed". That's all a load of poop. When it comes to these decisions, When that little devil starts polishing his trident and the angel, his halo (Don't really know what they go to war with, the halo must be there for something), both sides seem to carve "the perfect path". Both with it's share of benefits and piss-offs. I'm not really one to judge which is right and which is wrong. That folks, is a matter of perception.

But I will tell you this. Don't try to think of it as the path of the devil or the path of the angel. Just stop and consider this, Is what you're about to do going to be worth it?

For when the first specks of light dust break through the tiny crevice between your shades, snapping open a calm reverie signalling the dawn of a new day, When the world opens it's arms to a tomorrow,

Will you be able to spread your shoulders with a warmth that comes with the knowledge of a job well done and a guilt free future that lasts longer than the few minutes of joy that comes from a stolen orgasm or a drug induced high?

We all fight our own battles littered with guilty pleasures and hooded memories. Our back yard is as cluttered as our neighbours. Only we have the right to look back and criticise.

Don't judge others when we know not what they have to face. Ones life is ones own. It's our identity. Be it good or bad. Be it the fuck-ups or just the good ol' "ups". It's ours for the taking.

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